So hacktoberfest 2022 is gonna be over next week and I completed all 4 contributions on 20/10/2022. Let's talk about my contributions and my experience.
My contributions:
1) Adding a signup page using HTML and CSS: I made my first contribution in hacktoberfest by adding a signup page using HTML and CSS.
This is how the page looks:
I am not a front-end developer but yeah I learned on the go and made this decent-looking sign-in page. This was the first one to get merged.
Here's the Github Link of the project and here's the reward:
2) Making a Simon Game: If you don't know what is a Simon Game then you can click here. I didn't code the whole game by myself instead I took help of the internet and again learned on the go.
Here's the GitHub Link and this is how the game looks like:
The reward I got is this:
3) Added a currency script using Python: So, this is a fun contribution and I really find Python weird but amazing at the same time. So here I just made a simple currency converter using Python which was fun to make.
I don't have pictures for the project but here's the GitHub link and this is the reward:
4) Adding my name LOL: I know this is a non-code contribution but yeah I went busy with other stuff and thus couldn't spend enough time in Open Source and find good issues so I just added my name and a bio and also I have a friend who accepted this PR and yeah it's funny LOL. Here's the reward:
My experience: So, with all these my hacktoberfest 2022 ends here. The contributions were fun and also I met and collaborated with amazing people like Abbey, and Vansh and also helped my friends Yash, Rohit, Divas, etc with their Open Source journey. It was an experience I will always cherish. So Thank You everyone for supporting me and connecting with me.